
Sunday, July 14, 2013

how Friday went (3 of 5) - poetry reading

The next part of my evening was a local poetry reading. It was an author I'd heard of but never read. I found some of his things online and found them very good, fascinating but still accessible. I got to the bookstore at ten after nine. They'd not started yet, he was going to be late. I wandered around the bookstore, thumbing through pages of art and photography books, looking at the poses and wondering if I could recreate some of them when I got back to the hotel. Given that I am working with the 3-second delay bult into my laptop, my options are limited. And, I'm using room lighting and no props. Still, some of the idea seemed workable. I realized as I looked at the books that nearly all of the shots I'd taken so far were mostly standing, me directly facing the camera. Not very interesting compositions at all. I went back to the room at 9:20. There were only four people there and the manager was still stalling. I wondered if she was waiting for more customers or if the author was late or if it was something else. At 9:35, I decided I'd spent enough time there. I was anxious to get back to the hotel room and try some new poses. So I left. On the way home, I stopped at a local pharmacy. Another CD had told me he used small pump bottles as suction cups to elongate his nipples. I loved the idea, so I searched through the travel items for those small pump bottles that cost around $2. I took the screw top off one of them and tried it on my arm. It sucked the flesh in nearly half an inch and I nodded. These were what I wanted. I bought the pair of them and headed back to the hotel.

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